The Canvas Challenge gets better ….. Your donations can be considered Charitable Contributions on your 2013 Taxes (see details).
Post date: Jan 5, 2013 10:52:28 PM
The Canvas Challenge gets better ….. Your donations can be considered Charitable Contributions on your 2013 Taxes (see details). We get a mat, you get a great workout and a tax deduction – can you ask for more????
The Details:
WCC has started a dedicated fund for Watanabe Judo. This 501 (c) (3) fund can be used for practically anything Sensei needs for the club, in the event we collect more than we need.
Understandably, the school will not want to issue receipts for all the individual $10 cash payments to validate the donations. The best way to pay and receive a donation is to write a check which will serve as your receipt.
Remember that even though the fund is a qualified 501(c)(3), individual tax circumstances and deduction requirements vary and you should consult your tax consultant
Make your cheque payable to the Faculty Student Association Fund 501c3 and give the check to the individual in you class collecting the funds. You can pay for multiple classes with a single cheque.
If you have paid by cash or Paypal and would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please let Joan know before Wednesday and we will change your method of payment. We would like to turn in our collections thus far on Thursday.
Rob W. may be able to get us an even better price for the canvas – no promises – but a big Thanks for his effort!
Saturday’s class was great! Let’s make the remaining classes even better - Haven’t practiced in a while? – You’re not alone – come on down and work off some of the holiday cheer. Sunday’s class is 12 to 2 (so you can sleep late and still come to Judo).
Sunday January 6th 12pm – 2pm
Monday January 8th 7pm - 9pm
Tuesday January 9th 7pm – 9pm – Aikido
Wednesday January 10th 7pm - 9pm
Thursday January 11th 7pm –9pm – Aikido
Friday NO Class Currently Scheduled –Will be added if we have lots of interest
This Schedule will repeat until classes resume Monday, January 21st