End of Fall Term - Spring Term Sign-up
Post date: Dec 13, 2014 4:13:51 PM
v This is the last week before the Spring Term – Come and work off the Holiday shopping jitters.
v The Spring Term Starts on January 25th. – WCC is adopting a very strict policy and will cancel the class if we do not have a minimum of 5 people signed up for each class. The challenge is that they will not tell us who registered until after classes start.
Ø To help us coordinate sign-up, we have set up an account on Volunteer site to track registration. Please follow the link below and indicate what class or classes you intend to register.
§ You will not have to register on the site.
§ The sign-up requires a name, email and phone number – if you do not want to leave your phone number you can enter “N/A’.
Ø “Non-regular” local players are strongly encouraged to sign-up for at least 1 of the sessions. This will give you 14 classes that you can use any time, M,W,Sat or Sun over the 3 months and will provide the insurance protection we need. Judo is a contact sport and accidents can happen, your registration in a class protects everyone.
1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/msKTVP
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot.
Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
v WCC Registration Information:
By Phone : 914-606-6830 (MasterCard, Visa, or Discover)
By Fax: 914-606-6129 (MasterCard, Visa, or Discover)
Judo for Adults
Learn Judo from Sensei Watanabe, an 8th
degree Black Belt.
CE-SPORT 2004, PEB-Mat Room, $280.
Sec. A: 14 Mon., Jan. 26-Apr. 27, 8:00-
10:00 pm. #13076
Sec. B: 14 Wed., Jan. 28-Apr. 29, 8:00-
10:00 pm. #13077
Sec. C: 14 Sun., Jan. 25-May 3 (skip 4/5),
10:00 am-12:00 noon. #13078
Register for one session for $280. Save $$:
Register for all 3 sections and save $90.
Judo for Children and Parents
CE-SPORT 2005, 12:00 noon-2:00 pm, PEB
Mat Room, $280. Sensei Watanabe.
Sec. A: 14 Sat., Jan. 24-Apr. 25. #13079. Note:
For parents and children; parents MUST
register and pay tuition along with child.
Sec. B: 14 Sun., Jan. 25-May 3 (skip 4/5).
#13081. Note: For children ONLY (ages 4-13
years). Parents MUST be at the entire class to
supervise (registration for parent not required).
Register for one session for $280. Save $$:
Register for both sections and save $60 –
children only for this discount.
Aikido (Tomiki Style)
An art of self-defense utilizing strikes, arm
locks, wrist locks and off-balancing techniques
to control or defeat an opponent. Aikido
techniques have a direct application in police
work and personal self-defense methods.
CE-SPORT 2000, PEB-Mat Room, $280.
Sensei Watanabe.
Sec. A: 14 Tues., Jan. 27-Apr. 28, 8:00-
10:00 pm. #13082
Sec. B: 14 Sat., Jan. 24-Apr. 25, 2:00-4:00 pm.
Register for one session for $280. Save $$:
Register for both sections and save $60.
v We will be sending notices of different Judo Tournaments – If understand that this type of information is not useful to everyone. Please let us know if you would like to OPT OUT of receiving the Tournament information, and only receive Watanabe Club News.
v Stay tuned – We are trying to schedule free interim practices between the Fall and Spring terms.
We look forward to seeing you this week!